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Data AI for airports

Mapped independent data layer gives you an operational edge by combining data from building systems, IoT applications, and cloud data sources. Leverage the Mapped API to meet, and beat, your business objectives.

Independent data layer for airports

Airport facilities operations teams can leverage real-time Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning information, electrical telemetry, and flight data to optimize energy use, maximize airline utilization, and improve overall operational efficiency. Mapped independent data layer (IDL) accelerates the ability to implement multiple initiatives and use cases

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Energy efficiency

Implement overlay sensors on HVAC to optimize occupancy-based setpoints and continuously monitor to make data-driven decisions.

Realtime and predictive

Real-time operations and predictive maintenance of HVAC, and electrical, based on crowd flow and flight data

Turnaround optimization

Real-time flight data and passenger forecasts to optimize aircraft turnaround times and idle time. Collaboration with airlines for continuous improvement and efficient operations.

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Real-time HVAC control

Energy Efficiency: Monitor HVAC systems in real-time to ensure they are operating efficiently. Energy usage data can be analyzed to identify patterns and optimize HVAC settings based on flight schedules.

Occupancy Sensing: Use occupancy sensors and real-time HVAC data to adjust ventilation and cooling in specific areas based on passenger density, ensuring energy is not wasted in unoccupied areas.

Maintenance Predictions: Implement predictive maintenance by analyzing HVAC data. By detecting anomalies and patterns, maintenance teams can perform preventive actions before major issues occur, reducing downtime

Electrical telemetry

Load Balancing: Monitor electrical telemetry data to balance loads across different airport facilities. This ensures that no one area is overloaded, preventing electrical failures and optimizing energy distribution.

Demand Response: Utilize telemetry data to participate in demand response programs. During peak energy usage times, adjust non-essential electrical loads to reduce overall demand, potentially earning incentives from energy providers.

Fault Detection: Implement real-time fault detection systems to identify electrical issues promptly. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and ensures uninterrupted operations.

Flight data integration

Predictive Analytics: Integrate flight data with HVAC and electrical telemetry to predict energy needs based on flight schedules. For example, heating or cooling can be adjusted in anticipation of a large number of passengers arriving or departing.

Gate Planning: Utilize real-time flight data to allocate gates strategically. Gates can be prepared in advance based on the expected passenger flow, ensuring comfortable conditions for travelers upon arrival.

Turnaround Time Optimization: Analyze historical flight data to optimize aircraft turnaround times. Efficient turnaround processes mean reduced idling time for aircraft, leading to energy savings and increased airline utilization