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Data AI for retail

Gain a competitive edge in retail with Mapped IDL, merging data from building systems, IoT apps, and cloud sources. Utilize the Mapped API to exceed your business goals and stay ahead in the retail landscape

Independent Data Layer for Retail

Mapped independent data layer (IDL) can significantly help solve problems in large retail portfolio operations. Centrally managing data from facilities like HVAC, lighting, elevators, occupancy sensors, and back office storage equipment poses specific challenges.

Mapped IDL simplifies complex retail data challenges: integrating diverse systems, real-time monitoring, ensuring accuracy, and enhancing energy efficiency. Retailers benefit by adopting Mapped IDL which helps them implement rigorous data validation, robust cybersecurity, proactive maintenance, ensuring secure and efficient retail operations, and rollout multiple initiatives over time.

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Energy management and sustainability

Implement energy-efficient systems, adopt renewable energy across locations, and install smart lighting and automation to lower energy use.

Maintenance and operational efficiency

Deploy IoT sensors for real-time monitoring across retail stores, use predictive analytics for forecasting unplanned downtime, and make data-driven decisions to improve operational reliability.

Shopper experience optimization

Personalized marketing strategies with connected in-store displays and crowd movement and analytics to optimize planograms and checkout processes.

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Energy Management and Sustainability

Retailers with a large portfolio of stores face significant challenges in managing energy consumption efficiently across diverse locations. Implementing an IDL allows retailers to collect real-time data from HVAC systems, lighting, and other energy-consuming devices. By analyzing this data centrally, retail chains can identify patterns, optimize energy usage, and implement energy-saving strategies across multiple locations.

This approach not only reduces operational costs but also contributes to sustainability efforts by lowering the overall carbon footprint of the retail portfolio

Predictive Maintenance and Operational Efficiency

Retail facilities comprise numerous components, from HVAC systems to elevators and security equipment. Implementing sensors and data points in these components connected to an IDL enables predictive maintenance. By analyzing historical and real-time data, retailers can predict when equipment is likely to fail and schedule maintenance before breakdowns occur.

This proactive approach minimizes downtime, reduces maintenance costs, and ensures that facilities are operating at their optimal efficiency, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational reliability

Customer Experience Optimization

Understanding customer behavior is crucial for retail success. An IDL can integrate data from various sources such as occupancy sensors, foot traffic counters, and point-of-sale systems. By analyzing this data, retailers gain insights into customer behavior patterns, preferences, and purchase histories across multiple locations. This information empowers retailers to optimize store layouts, personalize marketing campaigns, improve customer service, and enhance product placements.

By tailoring the customer experience based on data-driven insights, retailers can boost sales, enhance customer satisfaction, and strengthen brand loyalty across their entire portfolio of stores